The Dutch aviation industry may be an area of research interest for many specialised agencies and for the Dutch government itself, but no comprehensive labour market survey explicitly focused on all aviation sectors has yet been carried out. This makes it difficult, in particular when it comes to mobility between various companies and sectors within the aviation industry, to identify opportunities and possibilities for career progression and to detect surpluses and shortfalls.
Other research (such as an employment survey conducted at Schiphol) have provided detailed insight in the past, but have not covered any neighbouring municipalities where many aviation-related jobs are based (almost as many as at Schiphol itself). Moreover, this annual survey, which has been carried out since 1969, was abandoned in 2012 due to spending cuts.
As a result, there is no clear or coherent understanding of the aviation labour market, which makes impact monitoring well-nigh or plain impossible.
The Measure proposed by the Action Plan: impact measurement and analysis of labour market developments.